9th PanCareLIFE General Assembly Meeting
Members of the PanCareLIFE consortium met in Mainz, Germany for the 9th PanCareLIFE General Assembly Meeting, 08 – 09 November 2017.
Now that the data has been cleaned and harmonised at the Data Centre in Mainz, our focus has moved to the planned analyses for fertility, ototoxicity and quality of life that we’ll undertake in the coming year. We also heard about progress in the development of fertility guidelines.
As we enter the final year of the project, we are also focused on publication planning and organising our final conference, to be held in Paris on 26 Oct 2018. If you are interested in the final conference, please contact Kylie O’Brien (kylie.obrien@pintailservices.com).
Some of the team took the opportunity to visit the Museum of Ancient Seafaring in the evening
(Left: Aimilia Tsirou (Childhood Cancer International), Katerina Kepáková (UHB), Tomas Kepak (UHB), Dalit Modan-Moses (Chaim Sheba Medical Center), Andrica de Vries (EMC), Alison Leiper (Great Ormond Street Hospital); Right: Ancient Roman ship)