Entries by pcl_admin

Longitudinal follow-up in female Childhood Cancer Survivors

PanCareLIFE researchers from EMC and VUmc have published ‘Longitudinal follow-up in female Childhood Cancer Survivors: no signs of accelerated ovarian function loss’ (Human Reproduction, Vol.32, No.1 pp. 193–200, 2017). You can read the full open access publication here. STUDY QUESTION: Is the long-term decline of ovarian function, as reflected by a decrease in serum anti-Müllerian […]

SIOP2016 Meeting in Dublin

PanCareLIFE researchers were active at the 48th Annual Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) in Dublin, Ireland last week. Anna Font-Gonzalez from AMC in the Netherlands presented on our guideline work in a talk entitled ‘Fertility Preservation in children, adolescents and young adults with cancer: Quality of clinical practice guidelines and variations in […]

7th PanCareLIFE General Assembly Meeting

Members of the PanCareLIFE consortium met in Drogheda, Ireland for the 7th PanCareLIFE General Assembly Meeting, 17 – 18 Oct 2016. The focus was on data collection as the Call for Data closes on 31 Oct 2016. Our data providers have made excellent progress and data is already on it’s way to the Data Centre in Mainz, Germany. We […]

Giulio d’Angio Prize for Best Poster

Eva Clemens’ poster was selected by the nominating committee of the 2016 European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer for the Giulio d’Angio prize in Copenhagen on 23 September 2016. Eva studied Biomedical Sciences and is a PhD candidate at the Department of Pediatric Oncology at the Erasmus Medical Center. Her PhD thesis is based on ototoxicity during […]

European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer 2016

The Danish Cancer Society hosted the European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer 22 – 23 Sept 2016 in Copenhagen. PanCareLIFE researcher Dr. Jeanette Falck Winther was an organiser. The symposium is the largest European multidisciplinary event on late complications after treatment of childhood cancer. The Copenhagen 2016 symposium explored best practices in the detection […]

40 years of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry

In 2016, the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry will be 40 years old! To celebrate, a 2-day scientific Symposium on “How routine data help to prevent cancer in children, optimize treatment and improve long-term outcomes” will be held from 08 – 09 September 2016 in Bern.