Project News and Updates.

Check out our Results in Brief on the EU CORDIS site!

You can read about our project results in our Results in Brief feature here.

PanCareLIFE Closing Conference a great success!

On 26 Oct 2018, the PanCareLIFE Closing Conference was held in Paris, immediately following the twice-yearly PanCare network meeting. The meeting included a joint symposium with PanCare and presentations of PanCareLIFE results. Over 120 participants attended the conference, representing researchers, clinicians, nurses, survivors and their families, and policymakers.

Key stakeholders participated with presentations and participation in round-table discussions, including:

  • Heleen van der Pal, Chair, PanCare Network,
  • Samira Essiaf, Chief Executive Officer, European Society for Pediatric Oncology (SIOP-Europe),
  • François Doz, Board Member, SIOP-Europe,
  • Jaap den Hartogh, Survivor, Childhood Cancer International Europe,
  • Eline van der Meulen, Survivor, Childhood Cancer International Europe,
  • Roderick Skinner, Founding Member, PanCare Network,
  • Ruth Landenstein, Coordinator, European Reference Network for Paediatric Cancers (ERN Paedcan),
  • Aimilia Tsirou, Survivor, Childhood Cancer International Europe,
  • Ioannis Vouldis, Policy and Programme Officer, European Commission, and
  • Françoise Meunier, Director General of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).

Roundtable discussion, hearing the survivor viewpoint: from left, Samira Essiaf, François Doz, Jaap den Hartogh, Eline van den Dulmen-Broeder, Leontien Kremer, Roderick Skinner

Hearing loss and quality of life in survivors of paediatric CNS tumours and other cancers

PanCareLIFE researchers in UNIBE have published ‘Hearing loss and quality of life in survivors of paediatric CNS tumours and other cancers’ in Quality of Life Research (

Check out all our publications on Research Gate.


Check out our final newsletter!

It’s hard to believe we are nearing the end of the project – as our Research Manager, Julie Byrne, often reminds us, time flies!

Check out our final newsletter!

European PanCare studies into Late effects after cancer during childhood and adolescence

UMC-Mainz researchers have published an overview of the PanCareLIFE project in the German journal Onkologe, Europäische PanCare-Studien zu Spätfolgen nach Krebs im Kindes- und Jugendalter, Onkologe 2018 24:754–759.

You can read the full article here!

PanCareLIFE: The scientific basis for a European project to improve long-term care regarding fertility, ototoxicity, and health related quality of life after cancer occurring among children and adolescents

Our latest paper, published in the European Journal of Cancer, describes the scientific rationale for the PanCareLIFE project (103:227 – 237 (2018)).

Read more here!

Fertility Among Female Survivors of Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer: Protocol for Two Pan-European Studies

The WP3 team has published their protocol paper on two fertility studies completed as part of PanCareLIFE:

Fertility Among Female Survivors of Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer: Protocol for Two Pan-European Studies (PanCareLIFE) in JMIR Res Protoc. (2018 14;7(9):e10824).

You can read the full open access paper here!

Survivor Day in Köln

On 29 Sept, over 200 young adult survivors of cancer gathered in Köln for the first Survivor Day of the German Childhood Cancer Foundation (DKS). PanCareLIFE was represented by Dr. Gabriele Calaminus, Dr. Desiree Grabow, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Langer, Prof. Dr. Anja Borgmann-Staudt and Katja Baust. In Germany, around 50,000 survivors are considered cured, and the DKS is committed to standing by patients during and long after treatment. The event celebrated that many former patients are doing well today, enjoying and celebrating their lives. At the same time, the event also offered information about life after cancer and reflected on how difficulties and long-term consequences can be successfully managed. The conclusion of the Survivor Day was a “Kölscher Abend” with a charity concert by the Cologne band “Miljö” and a performance by “Lichtblick”.

PanCare Research Projects in the German Media

The PanCare network has been involved in two EU-funded research projects (PanCareLIFE, PanCareSurFup) to advance knowledge of late effects and advance survivorship care for childhood cancer survivors. Deutschlandfunk Kultur spoke to cancer survivor Christine and PanCareLIFE coordinator Dr. Peter Kaatsch to learn more about the impact of European-funded research. The impact of Brexit on European research was also discussed.

You can read the full article here or listen to the radio broadcast in German here.

PanCare Network, Prague (April 2018)

Read all the latest news from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study

Coordinated through St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study cohort has been assembled through the efforts of 31 participating centers in the United States and Canada. You can learn more about an important new tool that the Long Term Follow Up (LTFU) Study have developed to help survivors of childhood cancer, and their health care providers, be more aware of their personal risk of heart attack and stroke, and more in their latest newsletter