PanCareLIFE Researcher Awarded SIOP Young Investigator Award

PanCareLIFE researcher Eva Clemens of EMC has been granted a Young Investigator Award by the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) for her abstract to the SIOP 2015 conference in Cape Town, entitled: “The influence of co-medication on platinum-related ototoxicity in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: an observational DCOG study”. The award entitles her a Young Investigators fund. Congratulations Eva!

SIOP 2015

PanCareLIFE at the Swiss Public Health Conference, Sept 2015

PanCareLIFE researcher Dr. Annette Weiss from the University of Bern gave a poster presentation entitled “Ototoxicity in Swiss childhood cancer long-term survivors”  at the Swiss Public Health Conference in Geneva, 17-18th September.

Swiss ototox poster



PanCare Meeting, Sept 2015, Vienna

The 16th PanCare meeting was held 23-25 September 2015 in Vienna. The meeting coincided with the European Cancer Congress 2015, the combined Meeting of the European CanCer Organisation and the European Society for Medical Oncology (ECCO/ESMO 2015), which took place in Vienna from Sept 25-29, 2015.

The PanCare meeting focused on three closely related issues:

  1. Transition from the pediatric to the adult health care system
  2. Realised concepts for collaborations between pediatricians and physicians in different disciplines in adult medicine
  3. Late effects during adulthood after childhood cancer

PanCareLIFE Coordinator Dr. Peter Kaatsch gave a presentation about the project.

Dr. Annette Weiss from the University of Bern also gave an oral presentation about “Ototoxicity in Swiss childhood cancer long-term survivors”.


PanCareLIFE in the Boyne Research Institute Newsletter

Read more about PanCareLIFE, PanCare and PanCareSurFup in the recent newsletter from the Boyne Research Institute.

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 11.53.02

Press Briefing about PanCareLIFE in Brno

On 21 Aug 2015, PanCareLIFE partners hosted a press briefing at the University Hospital Brno in the Czech Republic.

TK 2015.08 - photo of Tomas

Dr. Tomáš KEPÁK spoke about the project, highlighting the importance of the project for survivors of childhood cancer.

The briefing generated a lot of follow-up coverage in the popular press:

21 Aug 2015

University Hospital in Brno Participates in the PanCareLIFE Project (FN v Brně se zapojila do projektu PanCareLIFE)

Interview with Tomáš KEPÁK on ČRo – Brno (Czech Radio, 17:02, Duration 0:50)


Project that will Help Young Patients  (Projekt pomůže malým pacientům)

NOVA (Nation-wide commercial TV channel, 17:08, Duration 01:23)


International Project PanCareLIFE  (Mezinárodní projekt PanCareLIFE)

Interview with Tomáš KEPÁK on ČT 1 (main Czech national TV news channel, 18:08, Duration 00:52)


22 Aug 2015

How to Reduce Late Effects of Cancer Treatment in Children? Physicians in Brno are Looking for the Answer  (Jak snížit pozdní následky onkologické léčby u dětí? Lékaři v Brně hledají odpověď)

Health News Daily (

PCL press briefing - Health Daily


23 Aug 2015

Physicians in Brno Study Late Effects of Cancer Treatment in Children  (Lékaři v Brně zkoumají následky léčby u dětí s rakovinou) – main page


25 Aug 2015

Oncology Reduces Secondary Risks of Treatment (Onkologie snižuje vedlejší rizika léčby)

Právo (widely-read national news paper)


Educational day at SIOP

PanCareLIFE researcher Anna Font-Gonzalez  (AMC) was awarded a young investigators award last year by the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) and is now a member of the SIOP Young Investigators committee. Together with the other awardees, Anna has been organising an educational day that will run on the first day (08 Oct) of the 47th SIOP Congress in Cape Town (08 – 11  October 2015).  The educational day will include sessions especially relevant for young investigators, such as lectures on how to publish and present research, implementation of research and expert lunches. The programme will include a session on the guideline development work in PanCareLIFE. You can see the agenda here.

Anna has also had an abstract for a poster presentation accepted for the meeting and will perform a 3 min presentation of her work.

SIOP 2015

May 2015 PanCare Meeting in Dublin

Dr Julianne Byrne, Research Manager of PanCareLIFE presented the work of PanCareLIFE at the 15th PanCare Meeting held in Dublin on the 27 to 29 May 2015. This meeting was attended by researchers, healthcare workers and representatives of survivors of Childhood and Adolescent Cancer from across Europe. PanCareLIFE brochures were circulated and some researchers expressed an interest in getting involved with PanCareLIFE.

Group photograph