Press Briefing about PanCareLIFE in Brno

On 21 Aug 2015, PanCareLIFE partners hosted a press briefing at the University Hospital Brno in the Czech Republic.

TK 2015.08 - photo of Tomas

Dr. Tomáš KEPÁK spoke about the project, highlighting the importance of the project for survivors of childhood cancer.

The briefing generated a lot of follow-up coverage in the popular press:

21 Aug 2015

University Hospital in Brno Participates in the PanCareLIFE Project (FN v Brně se zapojila do projektu PanCareLIFE)

Interview with Tomáš KEPÁK on ČRo – Brno (Czech Radio, 17:02, Duration 0:50)


Project that will Help Young Patients  (Projekt pomůže malým pacientům)

NOVA (Nation-wide commercial TV channel, 17:08, Duration 01:23)


International Project PanCareLIFE  (Mezinárodní projekt PanCareLIFE)

Interview with Tomáš KEPÁK on ČT 1 (main Czech national TV news channel, 18:08, Duration 00:52)


22 Aug 2015

How to Reduce Late Effects of Cancer Treatment in Children? Physicians in Brno are Looking for the Answer  (Jak snížit pozdní následky onkologické léčby u dětí? Lékaři v Brně hledají odpověď)

Health News Daily (

PCL press briefing - Health Daily


23 Aug 2015

Physicians in Brno Study Late Effects of Cancer Treatment in Children  (Lékaři v Brně zkoumají následky léčby u dětí s rakovinou) – main page


25 Aug 2015

Oncology Reduces Secondary Risks of Treatment (Onkologie snižuje vedlejší rizika léčby)

Právo (widely-read national news paper)