Press Briefing about PanCareLIFE in Brno
On 21 Aug 2015, PanCareLIFE partners hosted a press briefing at the University Hospital Brno in the Czech Republic.
Dr. Tomáš KEPÁK spoke about the project, highlighting the importance of the project for survivors of childhood cancer.
The briefing generated a lot of follow-up coverage in the popular press:
21 Aug 2015
University Hospital in Brno Participates in the PanCareLIFE Project (FN v Brně se zapojila do projektu PanCareLIFE)
Interview with Tomáš KEPÁK on ČRo – Brno (Czech Radio, 17:02, Duration 0:50)
Project that will Help Young Patients (Projekt pomůže malým pacientům)
NOVA (Nation-wide commercial TV channel, 17:08, Duration 01:23)
International Project PanCareLIFE (Mezinárodní projekt PanCareLIFE)
Interview with Tomáš KEPÁK on ČT 1 (main Czech national TV news channel, 18:08, Duration 00:52)
22 Aug 2015
How to Reduce Late Effects of Cancer Treatment in Children? Physicians in Brno are Looking for the Answer (Jak snížit pozdní následky onkologické léčby u dětí? Lékaři v Brně hledají odpověď)
Health News Daily (
23 Aug 2015
Physicians in Brno Study Late Effects of Cancer Treatment in Children (Lékaři v Brně zkoumají následky léčby u dětí s rakovinou) – main page
25 Aug 2015
Oncology Reduces Secondary Risks of Treatment (Onkologie snižuje vedlejší rizika léčby)
Právo (widely-read national news paper)