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- ‘Trends in anti-Müllerian hormone and inhibin b before and after childhood cancer treatment’, Annual Residents Research Day in the Rotterdam Erasmus MC, 23 Feb 2018, AL Van der Kooi AL (EMC), * awarded the ‘Best Presentation’ prize
- ‘Trends in anti-Müllerian hormone and inhibin b before and after childhood cancer treatment’, RCOG Obstetrics & Gynecology “Wladimiroff” Research Day in the Rotterdam Erasmus MC, 13 Apr 2018, AL Van der Kooi (EMC)
- 21st PanCare Meeting – 18 – 20 Apr 2018, Prague, Czech Republic – Julianne Byrne (BOYNE), Eva
Clemens (EMC) and Anne-Lotte van der Kooi (EMC)
- Trends in anti-Müllerian hormone and inhibin b before and after childhood cancer treatment’, Sophia Research Day, Rotterdam, 26 Apr 2018, AL Van der Kooi (EMC)
- PanCareLIFE Closing Conference, Paris, France, 26th October 2018
- ‘Monitoring for ototoxicity in Swiss childhood cancer patients’, 3rd Congress of the European Federation of Audiology Societies, Interlaken, Switzerland, May 2017, A. Weiss (UNIBE)
- 19th PanCare Meeting – 03 – 05 May 2017, Lund, Sweden – Peter Kaatsch (UMC-Mainz),
Julianne Byrne (BOYNE), Desiree Grabow (UMC-Mainz), Kateřina Kepáková (UHB) and Tomas
Kepák (UHB), Leontien Kremer (AMC)
- ‘The PanCareLIFE Consortium: Hearing loss, infertility and quality of life in European childhood cancer survivors’, 15th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children & Adolescents for Cancer, Atlanta, USA, 15 – 17 June 2017, Julianne Byrne (BOYNE) et al.
- ‘Fertility Studies in PanCareLIFE: A pan-European consortium studying late effects of childhood cancer’, 15th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children & Adolescents for Cancer, Atlanta, USA, 15 – 17 June 2017, Marloes van Dijk (VUmc) et al.
- ‘Genetic determinants of gonadal impairment in female childhood cancer survivors: a PanCareLIFE study’, 15th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children & Adolescents for Cancer, Atlanta, USA, 15 – 17 June 2017, L.F. van der Kooi (EMC) et al.
- ‘Genetic variation of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity during childhood cancer treatment: a PanCareLIFE study’, 15th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children & Adolescents for Cancer, Atlanta, USA, 15 – 17 June 2017, Clemens (EMC) et al.
- ‘Development and validation of a risk model for predicting platinum ototoxicity in childhood cancer patients: a PanCareLIFE study’, 15th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children & Adolescents for Cancer, Atlanta, USA, 15 – 17 June 2017, Paul (UzL) et al.
- ‘Risk factors for negative psychological outcomes in survivors after cancer treatment in childhood’, 15th International Conference on Long-Term Complications of Treatment of Children & Adolescents for Cancer, Atlanta, USA, 15 – 17 June 2017, J. Kruséova (FNM) et al.
- 20th PanCare Meeting – 03 – 05 Oct 2017, Luebeck, Germany – Dirk Deuster (UKM), Elisabeth
Korte (CU) and Magdalene Balcerek (CU)
- ‘Quality of life in cured adult patients’, 28th Conference of the Czech and Slovak Paediatric Haematology/Oncology Working Group, Prague, Czech Republic, 06 – 8 Oct 2017, J. Kruséova (FNM)
- ‘Child and adolescent oncology treatment for pediatrics’, Olomouc Pediatrics Day, Czech Republic, 13 – 14 Oct 2017, J. Kruséova (FNM)
- ‘When cure causes harm – hearing loss after childhood cancer’, 8th Symposium Graduate School for Health Sciences, University of Bern, 30 Nov – 01 Dec 2017, A. Weiss (UNIBE) (Prize for best presentation)
- ‘Fertility preservation in children with cancer: quality of clinical practice guidelines and variations in recommendations’, Amsterdam Kindersymposium, 18 Feb 2016, Anna Font-Gonzalez (AMC)
- 17th PanCare Meeting – 20 – 22 Apr 2016, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by Dr. Tomas Kepak, UHB
and Dr. Kruseová and Dr. Lukš, (FNM)
- ‘PanCareLIFE Progress Update’, Brno Oncology Days, 27 Apr 2016, Tomas Kepak (UHB)
- ‘Auditory complications after childhood cancer in Switzerland’, Swiss Peadiatric Oncology Group (SPOG) Symposium, 03 June 2016, Bern, Dr. Annette Weiss (UNIBE)
- ‘Swiss participation in a European late effects study: PanCareLIFE’, Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group Conference, 17 Jan 2015, Dr. Rahel Kuonen (UNIBE)
- ‘Ototoxicity after cancer in childhood and adolescence in Switzerland’, Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group Conference, 17 Jan 2015, Dr. Annette Weiss (UNIBE)
- ‘Fertility preservation in children with cancer: quality of clinical practice guidelines and variations in recommendations’, Amsterdam Kindersymposium, 19 Feb 2016, Anna Font
Gonzalez (AMC)
- ‘Progressive post-treatment unilateral/asymmetrical threshold changes following cranial radiation in combination with platin-based chemotherapy’ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Audiologie (German Society of Audiology), Bochum, Germany, 4-7 March 2015, Dr. R. Parfitt (UKM)
- ‘Verbesserung der Versorgung von Krebspatienten: Planung klinisch-epidemiologischer Studien anhand von Daten aus dem Deutschen Kinderkrebsregister’ Quality of cancer care (QoCC) – Interdisziplinärer Kongress, Berlin, 26-27 March 2015, Dr. P. Kaatsch (UMC-Mainz), Dr. M. Blettner (UMC-Mainz)
- “Early Detection of Fertility Impairment after Childhood and Adolescent Cancer”, Brno Oncology Days, Brno, Czech Republic, 8 – 10 April 2015, Dr. T. Kepak (UHB)
- ‘Outcome after childhood cancer – Research of late effects to improve cure and care’, 3rd Scientific Retreat – German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Heidelberg, Germany 13-14 April 2015, Dr. C. Spix (UMC-Mainz), Dr. P. Kaatsch (UMC-Mainz), Dr. D. Grabow (UMC-Mainz), Dr. M. Blettner (UMC-Mainz)
- ‘Initial findings from retrospective studies of audiological thresholds in children with cranial radiotherapy in combination with platin-based chemotherapy’, 12th Congress of the European Federation of Audiological Societies, Istanbul, 27 May 2015 (UKM)
- 15th PanCare Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 27-29 May 2015, Dr Julianne Byrne, (BOYNE) and Dr Cingrošová, (FNM)
- ‘European project PanCareLIFE – Ototoxicity as a Late Effect of Cancer Treatment’, Congress of
European ORL-HNS, Prague, Czech Republic, 10 June 2015, Dr. Jarmila Kruseova (FNM)
- ‘Late effects after childhood solid tumour treatment’, 7th Midsummer Meeting on Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, Liberec, Czech Republic, 19 June 2015, Dr. Jarmila Kruseova (FNM)
- ‘Ototoxicity in Swiss childhood cancer long-term survivors’, Swiss Public Health Conferencein Geneva, 17-18 September 2015, Dr. Annette Weiss (UNIBE)
- 16th PanCare Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 September 2015, 5, Dr. Peter Kaatsch (UMC-Mainz) and UDr.
Cingrošová, (FNM)
- ‘The influence of co-medication on platinum-related ototoxicity in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: an observational DCOG study’, 47th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology, Cape Town, South Africa, 08 Oct 2015, Eva Clemens (EMC)
- ‘PanCareLIFE fertility preservation guidelines’, 47th Congress of the International Society of
Paediatric Oncology, Cape Town, South Africa, 08 Oct 2015, Anna Font-Gonzalez (AMC)
- ‘Fertility preservation in children with cancer: quality of clinical practice guidelines and variations in recommendations’, International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) conference, 8-11 October 2015, Anna Font Gonzalez (AMC)
- ‘The influence of co-medication on platinum-related ototoxocity in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: an observational DCOG study’, International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) conference, 8-11 October 2015, Eva Clemens (EMC)
- FNM Motol Hospital, 21 Jan 2014, Dr. Jarmila Kruseova (FNM)
- Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group, 01 Feb 2014, Prof. Claudia Kuehni (UNIBE)
- 13th PanCare Meeting (Wroclaw, Poland), 12-14 May 2014, Dr Julianne Byne (BOYNE)
- ‘Wenn Kinder erwachsen werden – Spätfolgen der Krebstherapie. Faszination Forschung: Leben nach dem Krebs’, Medizinische Gesellschaft Mainz – Akademie für ärztliche Fortbildung Rheinland-Pfalz. Mainz, Germany, 21 May 2014, Dr. P. Kaatsch (UMC-Mainz)
- ‘EU-Antragstellung: ein Erfahrungsbericht zu PanCare Netzwerk, PanCareSurFup, PanCareLIFE und Neues am Horizon(t) 2020. „10 years after – Experience in Clinical Research Mainz“’, University Medical Centre Mainz, 23 May 2014, Dr. D. Grabow (UMC-Mainz)
- ‘Childhood Cancer Survivor Cohorts in Europe’ (abstract nr. 99), 12th Acta Oncologica Symposium, 08 – 09 Sept 2014, Dr. Jeanette Falck Winther (KB)
- ‘A European project on late effects after childhood and adolescent cancer’, European Symposium of late Complications after Childhood Cancer (ESLCCC), Edinburgh, 15-16 September 2014, Dr. Peter (UMC-Mainz), Dr. J. Byrne (BOYNE)
- ‘Early detection of children at risk to develop significant platinum-induced hearing loss – pharmacogenetic screening options’, XXVII. Congress of the Union of the European Phoniatricians, Moscow, Russian Federation, 02 – 05 October 2014, Prof. Dr. med. am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen (UKM)
- 14th PanCare Meeting (Lucerne, Switzerland), 8-10 October 2014, Dr. P. Kaatsch, Dr. Julianne Byrne (BOYNE), Dr. J. Kruseová (FNM)
- ‘PanCareLIFE project – Research on hearing disorders and fertility cure pediatric patients’ (Late effects of cancer treatment – round table), XXIV Konference dĕtských hematologü a onkologü České a Slovenské republiky (Czech/Slovak Paediatric Oncology Conference), 10 Oct 2014, Dr. Kepák (UHB)
- ‘Auditory Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Therapy with Platinum Drugs: Predisposition, Toxicogenetics, and Prevention – Genetic predisposition to late complications after cancer treatment?’ 25th Conference of the Czech and Slovak Paediatric Haematology/Oncology Working Group, 11 Oct 2014, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Prof. Dr. med. Oliver Zolk (University of Ulm/UzL)
- ‘Die Rolle des Deutschen Kinderkrebsregisters bei der Langzeitnachbeobachtung in der pädiatrischen Onkologie und Hämatologie und das Europäische PanCare-Netzwerk’ HitLife Netzwerk-Tagung. Hamburg, 28 November 2014, Dr. D. Grabow (UMC-Mainz)
- ‘Special aspects of ototoxicity in children and adolescents with brain tumours’ 1st workshop of HIT-Life, Hamburg, 28-29 Nov 2014, UKM/UzL
- ‘Ototoxicity after platinium treatment’, Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) conference, Mikulov, Czech republic, 4 – 5 Dec 2014, Dr. J. Kruseová (FNM)
- Translational Sarcoma Research Meeting, Oct 2013, Prof. Uta Dirksen (UKM)
- Long Term Follow-Up Committee of the French Society of Childhood Cancer, 12 Nov 2013, Dr. Claire Berger (CHU-SE)
- ‚Das EU-Projekt PanCareLIFE: Studien zu Fertilität und Ototoxizität mit dem Ziel einer verbesserten gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität nach Krebserkrankung bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen’, 82. Wissenschaftlichen Halbjahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Onkologie und Hämatologie e. V. (GPOH). Frankfurt, 22 –23 November 2013, Dr. P. Kaatsch (UMC-Mainz), Prof. T. Langer (UzL), Prof. G. Calaminus (UKM), Dr. D. Grabow (UMC-Mainz), Dr. J. Byrne (BOYNE) for the PanCareLIFE Consortium (Abstract published in: Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 161, 1071, 2013)
- European Ewing Consortium Meeting, Dec 2013, Prof. Uta Dirksen (UKM)