Data Centre and Biostatistics
Led by Dr. Peter Kaatsch at UMC-Mainz, WP1 has established a central data centre, where our data providers have sent information about long-term survivors of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors participating in the project. The data centre is staffed by Dr. Claudia Spix and Melanie Kaiser, with support from Claudia Bremensdorfer.
The information collected by the data centre is being used to study fertility, inner ear problems and quality of life in survivors of childhood cancer. Since the information comes from many countries and different studies, WP1 has harmonised the data to allow PanCareLIFE researchers to use it for combined analyses. New data generated during the project will be added to a virtual pan-European structure for studies of long-term survival after cancer already established by our sister project PanCareSurFup. For more information, you can contact our Legacy Committee.
Dr. C. Spix and Dr. P. Kaatsch, UMC-Mainz Data Centre
In the first four years of the project, the WP1 team worked with WPs 2-6 to develop a list of common variables – these variables told the PanCareLIFE data providers what information they needed to send to the central data centre. In year three of the project, the data centre issued the Call for Data and began accepting data from the data providers. The majority of data was sent to the data centre by December 2017, with the final dataset received in August 2017. During years four and five of the project, the team in Mainz cleaned the data and performing quality checks. Data from over 14,000 survivors were collected at the data centre, so it was a big job! The final analysis files were returned to the teams in WPs 2-6 for their final analyses.