Strides towards a long-term European Cancer Plan for children and teens

European paediatric oncology stakeholders commit to deliver a long-term European Paediatric Cancer Plan for better care and research for children and adolescents with cancer.

Last week, 160 key stakeholders from 31 countries met at the SIOPE-ENCCA Conference in Brussels. Here, the delegates shared and discussed expert opinions, experiences and best practices in every area of paediatric oncology research, treatment, care and follow up. They aimed to ensure the widest possible consensus on a comprehensive Roadmap designed to increase the cure rate in poor prognosis malignancies, to eradicate inequalities in childhood cancer care in Europe and to increase the quality of life of childhood cancer survivors.

This Roadmap is the outcome of the coordinating efforts of SIOPE (the European Society for Paediatric Oncology) and ENCCA (the FP7 project ‘European Network for Cancer research in Children and Adolescents’) at the European level. The full strategy will take into account the discussions held during the event and will be published extensively in the next months, further defining how to run and implement the future ‘European Paediatric Cancer Plan’.

Read more here.