Workshop on Long-Term Care After Childhood Cancer

The first Workshop on Long-Term Care after Childhood Cancer in Germany was held in Bonn 27 – 28 September 2017, hosted by the German Childhood Cancer Foundation and PanCareLIFE researchers Dr. Gabriele Calaminus and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Langer, who also represent the German Pediatric Oncology and Hematology (GPOH) Society working group on long-term surveillance.

In the last few years, long-term care after childhood cancer has become an important focus as treatment and survival rates have improved substantially. To define  needs and expectancies on the future long-term-care structure in Germany, survivors, professional experts and other stakeholders met at the workshop.  Researchers gave presentations on high priority late effect issues. Survivors’ experiences and day-to-day difficulties were also discussed  at the workshop. Six dedicated  focus groups were established to continue discussions on future medical and psychosocial long-term care, education and occupational issues, health behavior and secondary prevention, as well as future research infrastructures. All participants agreed that the workshop was an effective communication platform and hope to see continued dialogue on these important topics.

Participants of the first Workshop on Long-Term Care after Childhood Cancer in Germany

You can read more in German here.