• Welcome to PanCareLIFE

    PanCareLIFE is an EU Framework 7 Programme in the Health Theme that studies the impact of treatment regimes on long-term health and quality of life in survivors of cancer diagnosed during childhood or young adulthood

  • Survival Rates

    Survival rates after childhood cancer now reach nearly 80% in developed European countries as a result of more effective therapies and better supportive care, leading to a steady increase in the number of survivors in the population.

  • Impact of Treatment

    However, the treatments that have improved survival are harsh and cause serious side-effects that can greatly impact survivors’ quality of life in the long term.

  • The PanCareLIFE Goal

    The goal of PanCareLIFE is that survivors of cancer diagnosed before age 25 should enjoy the same quality of life and opportunities as their peers who have not had cancer.

The PanCareLIFE Project

An Overview

Survival Rates

Survival rates after childhood cancer now reach nearly 80% in developed European countries as a result of more effective therapies and better supportive care, leading to a steady increase in the number of survivors in the population.

Impact of Treatment

However, the treatments that have improved survival are harsh and cause serious side-effects that can greatly impact survivors’ quality of life in the long term.

The Goal of PanCareLIFE

The goal of PanCareLIFE is that survivors of cancer diagnosed before age 25 should enjoy the same quality of life and opportunities as their peers who have not had cancer.

Interested in learning more about our data collection process and potential ways to collaborate? Contact our Legacy Committee!

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