PanCareLIFE features in FNM Newsletter

The March edition of the FNM newsletter includes a feature on PanCareLIFE. The article describes how the paradigm in childhood oncology has changed from acute care to cure cancer to chronic care, where there is a focus on cure but also on prevention of late effects and their lifelong, informed management. Lifelong management relies on systematic research in late effects, like that conducted in PanCareLIFE, as well as sophisticated systems of care transition for adult survivors and empowering survivors to co-manage their own care through initiatives like Together to Smile in the Czech Republic.

You can read more in Czech here.

PanCareLIFE in article on cancer survivorship

PanCareLIFE and the PanCare network were highlighted in a recent article in Cancer World, ‘Rerouted, not derailed: resuming a young life after cancer’.

PanCareLIFE Coordinator Dr. Peter Kaatsch commented:

There is no place for competition in paediatric oncology. We all work in a team. The PanCare network summarises this spirit: cooperation.

Dr. Gabriele Calaminus, leader of the health-related quality of life research in PanCareLIFE, noted:

The increase in the childhood cancer cure rate has been dramatic over the past twenty years. We now have more children who survive than who die. But what happens to them when they walk out the doors of the ‘Kinderonko’, when they’re finished with their treatments? The price of their recovery remains very high.

Through research into the late effects of cancer treatment PanCareLIFE aims to ensure that survivors of cancer diagnosed before age 25 enjoy the same quality of life and opportunities as their peers who have not had cancer.

CW article

PanCareLIFE in the Boyne Research Institute Newsletter

Read more about PanCareLIFE, PanCare and PanCareSurFup in the recent newsletter from the Boyne Research Institute.

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PanCareLIFE features in GPOH LESS Newsletter

PanCareLIFE was featured in the March 2014 edition of the German Society for Paediatric Oncology and Haematology Late Effects Surveillance System (GPOH LESS) newsletter.

You can read more here.


PanCareLIFE featured in UMC-Mainz Magazine

Abstract Below

Spätfolgen nach Krebs im Kindesalter: Deutsches Kinderkrebsregister am IMBEI koordiniert ein EU-Forschungsprojekt

Auf Initiative der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Onkologie und Hämatologie (GPOH)
wurde im Jahre 1980 das Deutsche Kinderkrebsregister von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Michaelis,
dem damaligen Direktor des Instituts für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik (IMBEI), gegründet und wurde von Beginn an am IMBEI geführt (Direktorin: Prof. Dr. Maria Blettner). Seit dem Jahr 2001 liegt die Leitung in den Händen von PD Dr. Peter Kaatsch. 

UM.Sicht Magazine