PanCareLIFE Closing Conference a great success!
On 26 Oct 2018, the PanCareLIFE Closing Conference was held in Paris, immediately following the twice-yearly PanCare network meeting. The meeting included a joint symposium with PanCare and presentations of PanCareLIFE results. Over 120 participants attended the conference, representing researchers, clinicians, nurses, survivors and their families, and policymakers.
Key stakeholders participated with presentations and participation in round-table discussions, including:
- Heleen van der Pal, Chair, PanCare Network,
- Samira Essiaf, Chief Executive Officer, European Society for Pediatric Oncology (SIOP-Europe),
- François Doz, Board Member, SIOP-Europe,
- Jaap den Hartogh, Survivor, Childhood Cancer International Europe,
- Eline van der Meulen, Survivor, Childhood Cancer International Europe,
- Roderick Skinner, Founding Member, PanCare Network,
- Ruth Landenstein, Coordinator, European Reference Network for Paediatric Cancers (ERN Paedcan),
- Aimilia Tsirou, Survivor, Childhood Cancer International Europe,
- Ioannis Vouldis, Policy and Programme Officer, European Commission, and
- Françoise Meunier, Director General of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).
Roundtable discussion, hearing the survivor viewpoint: from left, Samira Essiaf, François Doz, Jaap den Hartogh, Eline van den Dulmen-Broeder, Leontien Kremer, Roderick Skinner