PanCareLIFE researchers have received the following awards:

Eva Clemens’ poster was selected by the nominating committee of the 2016 European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer for the Giulio d’Angio prize in Copenhagen on 23 September 2016.

AMC’s Anna Font Gonzalez’s abstract “Fertility preservation in children with cancer: quality of clinical practice guidelines and variations in recommendations” was selected as one of the 8 best abstracts submitted to the Amsterdam Kindersymposium, 18 Feb 2016. As a result, she was invited to give an oral presentation during the masterclass session held 19 February 2016. During this session, the 8 abstracts were presented with feedback and interaction with the Masters (Dutch experts in the field of paediatric oncology).

Dr. Anja Borgmann-Staudt (Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin) and her team from the Working Group for fertility after chemotherapy and radiotherapy in childhood and adolescence (FeCt) were awarded the German Aftercare Prize 2015.
PanCareLIFE researcher Eva Clemens of EMC has been granted a Young Investigator Award by the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) for her abstract to the SIOP 2015 conference in Cape Town, entitled: “The influence of co-medication on platinum-related ototoxicity in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: an observational DCOG study”. The award entitles her a Young Investigators fund.
In 2014, AMC researcher Anna Font-Gonzalez was awarded a Young Investigator Award by the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP). Along with other recipients, Anna is a member of the SIOP Young Investigator NETwork (SIOP-YINET), which represents the interests of young investigators in the field of pediatric oncology. SIOP-YINET provides a platform for young investigators to develop research and scientific skills, and facilitates an international research network with other young investigators in pediatric oncology.

PanCareLIFE Coordinator Dr. Peter Kaatsch received the “Dietrich-Niethammer-Preis” of the German Society for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology (GPOH) 2014 in September 2014. The award recognizes excellence in the field of pediatric oncology.